
Showing posts from October, 2017

Creativity and New Media

I used Bitmoji which is a popular app to create an avatar of myself. This avatar can be used in multiple apps such as snap chat and you can use it in texting as well. To create this avatar I first downloaded the app and then I followed step by step by changing one facial feature at a time. Once I had all of this done, I changed the clothes as well for this avatar. After creating this avatar that looks like me you receive different pics and gestures that has this avatar as a part of it. An example can be show below as certain ones are recommended when you text a certain word or depending on the trend that is going around. Since Halloween is today, You can see below one of my avatars in a Halloween theme. This is such a great and fun way to be creative in your messages and in your social media. It is being used by many and the creation process is very detailed and interesting to do.

HW Creativity

New media fosters creativity in a wide variety of ways and has changed the way people use information and the way people think. One huge reason that new media is helping creativity grow is because now more people can create and share theior creativity online as before they couldn't. According to the article YouTube Traffic Characterization: A view from the edge by Phillipa Gill, Martin Arlitt, Zongpeng Li, Anirban Mahanti, it states that "The Web is slowly but steadily undergoing a metamor-phosis as more and more users are able to create, share, and distribute content on the web."This is very true as people can share on blogs such as this one, YouTube as a way to create video content, and many other ways. Having more of a platform and new technology on peoples side helps creativity grow as you can execute your thoughts in ways never seen before. More information is available for us to use and learn from and seeing how so many people share their creativity online makes oth

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual reality has become increasingly popular in our current time and it seems like everyone is trying to get their hands on one to try it out. Virtual worlds are used for much more than just entertainment though as they can be used for military training, entertainment through video games, and other training as well whether medical or anything hands on. There are many pros and cons to virtual worlds. The pros include preparing people for a job or task such as with military training which can help save lives. The cons include its difficult to make it very realistic so far and it is very costly to create the right worlds. Virtual worlds foster so much creativity and an example includes using it in the workplace. According to the CNN article, Going to the virtual office in the second life by Mark Tutton, " Virtual community Second Life is seeking to tap into that market by creating a new tool that allows businesses to have virtual meetings on their own computer networks." This

Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussion is much different than a blackboard discussion and in class discussion. A Blackboard discussion is more organized as it just shows threads and the people who reply are right under it while on twitter its all scattered. Twitter discussions also have minimal number of characters but this can be fixed if you tweet multiple times. An in class discussion is very different as you are talking face to face and hearing each other and seeing each others interaction as opposed to proofreading what you write and replying to a post. Twitter does feel more lively to me and more engaging in my opinion.

Blog: Social networking sites

After visiting multiple social networking platforms I have seen differences between them. I visited  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit. When it comes to Instagram and Twitter they both use hashtags but Instagram is to just post a photo and comment and like those pictures, Twitter on the other hand gives you a limited amount of space and I saw more words rather than graphics. Facebook doesn't show every post that occurred and is more of pages you liked sharing things such as news or articles that you have to click on to further view. As for Reddit which was my favorite, you can find any subreddit which is a page dedicated to a certain topic that shows who is part of the subreddit and how many are online. Anyone can post anything on it and it can get up voted or down voted. This is a good way to be surrounded by people who are interested in a similar topic and interact with them.

Blog Social Networking

Social Networking has become a huge part of our current society and while it does have a lot of positives for corporations and personal life, it does come with its fair share of negatives. Social networking can be used for corporations by having your own page on Facebook to market your business and also to reach out to people on social networking with advertisements and promotions. Social networking technologies benefit society by allowing the ability to connect more with businesses, social life, and entertainment and information. Facebook has one of the biggest social networks and according to the Chicago Tribune article by Reuters, Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature, it states that "s earch makes user activity even more relevant to advertisers, and allows greater focus." This explains how searching through a social network allows benefits for advertisers and puts more focus on many things searched. Also according to the article, Social Networking Technology boo

Blog v Wiki

A blog is your own website created to express your thoughts and share it with whoever wants to view it. It's a way to express yourself and it can be about anything you want. The newest post is put on the top of your page, so it can be seen first. Blogs can be very useful as according to the New York Times article,"Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid" by Michael Wilson, people in the neighborhood were discussing a suspicious home in Bay ridge that was sought out to be a drug home and was taken care of due to the bloggers. Blogs can be used for collaboration by promoting your business or yourself and also sharing other people's blog posts to collaborate and build a community. A wiki on the other hand is also a website, but it is collaborative in a different way as all the members of that wiki can edit it. This allows for everyone part of that group to contribute and change what they find fit. The most famous wiki is Wikipedia. According to the article, "Wikipedi