HW Creativity

New media fosters creativity in a wide variety of ways and has changed the way people use information and the way people think. One huge reason that new media is helping creativity grow is because now more people can create and share theior creativity online as before they couldn't. According to the article YouTube Traffic Characterization: A view from the edge by Phillipa Gill, Martin Arlitt, Zongpeng Li, Anirban Mahanti, it states that "The Web is slowly but steadily undergoing a metamor-phosis as more and more users are able to create, share, and distribute content on the web."This is very true as people can share on blogs such as this one, YouTube as a way to create video content, and many other ways. Having more of a platform and new technology on peoples side helps creativity grow as you can execute your thoughts in ways never seen before. More information is available for us to use and learn from and seeing how so many people share their creativity online makes others want to get involved as well.

  1. YOUTUBE Traffic Characterization HPL-2007-119.pdf


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