Blog v Wiki

A blog is your own website created to express your thoughts and share it with whoever wants to view it. It's a way to express yourself and it can be about anything you want. The newest post is put on the top of your page, so it can be seen first. Blogs can be very useful as according to the New York Times article,"Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid" by Michael Wilson, people in the neighborhood were discussing a suspicious home in Bay ridge that was sought out to be a drug home and was taken care of due to the bloggers. Blogs can be used for collaboration by promoting your business or yourself and also sharing other people's blog posts to collaborate and build a community.
A wiki on the other hand is also a website, but it is collaborative in a different way as all the members of that wiki can edit it. This allows for everyone part of that group to contribute and change what they find fit. The most famous wiki is Wikipedia. According to the article, "Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on making the most of company wikis" by Gardiner Morse, "Thousands of organizations, from Microsoft to the FBI, use wikis to aggregate the knowledge of their far-flung employees, creating a place for them to electronically converge and collaborate on everything from planning meetings and documenting best practices to brainstorming about new products and processes." this goes to show that Wikis are extremely important to large companies as they create new product through new ideas being collaboratively shared on their wiki. Convergence is extremely important in today's networked world because when things come together then there is more that can come out of it. One thing that comes to mind to me for what a wiki can be used for is scheduling routes for a cargo company and modifying it whenever necessary for the employees and managers.

- Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid By MICHAEL WILSON The New York Times June 26, 2008  (
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on making the most of company wikis. A Conversation with Jimmy Wales by Gardiner Morse. Harvard Business Review, April 2008.


  1. You bring up a nice point about how a blog could be home to a collaboration such as a neighborhood watch. Whenever something can bring people together with a common interest, we can be thankful that it is possible via a blog or social network and not through old media such as a newspaper ad or postage.


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